Read mutilationist Ashley Todd's myspace blog here
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Rant: Death
Welcome back readers. The rants are back- Enjoy or don't
So, Readers, ready to be pissed off? I'm pissed, and I find
that when I get annoyed/pissed the things I write tend to piss
everyone else off…but that's what I keep getting told is what
everyone wants so…suck it and read:..:namespace prefix = o
ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Death. Some one dies, there is a wake of sorts. Depending
on what region of the country you live in, it's a viewing,
calling, wake, or binge drinking time. Then the funeral, and
then maybe a grave side service or something. When people
die…at the wake and the funeral, everyone always has these
wonderfully nice things to say. I look forward to hearing the
bull shit some people say about me. Thankfully my closest of
friends have assured me that when I finally am a victim of a
political assassination or brutal murder for running my mouth,
that they will be honest at my funeral. I really look forward to
These "nice" people though, they will twist a story… someone
was sadistic and cruel? Well that just means that they " did
everything they could to make you do your best". Someone
was a fucking moron and just smiled and nodded at
everything you said " they always smiled and made you feel
good". And oh dear lord if someone was fat… " they had a
great smile, wonderful personality, and gave the greatest
hugs". YES. Fat people do give great hugs, I get it. Its
because of all the fat. Duh. And fat people normally need a
good personality and be friendly since they are FAT. I'm sure
you have heard all of these things at funerals, and Even if
you are mad at my blunt nature, you know, deep down…it is
Big Poppa
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hilarious on some morbid level…
Oh but lets not stay on that shall we. At younger funerals (
people died really young…like under 30) there is normally
a "best friend" of the deceased. These fuckers have pissed
me off. You see readers, I have been to many funerals in the
past year- about one a month, and I have had other deaths
whose funerals I did not attend. Now, with these good friends,
they get MAD straight MAD at you for being sad. Now, I don't
cry in public, but I do express sadness, and I handle that by
drinking, chain smoking, and telling stories. Yes, I know, im
horrible…I move on and celebrate life instead of mourning
death….Im such a bitch. These "friends" show visual and
verbal signs of aggression to us " lesser" friends, and I find
this not only offensive to me, but to the dead. So you know
what "better friend" roll your eyes, get pissy when I leave
flowers at the grave site, act high and mighty. See how many
friends you have left. I have seen it before. You lose your
friends…then you cant be a "better friend ever again". When
someone I was "closest" to died, I was sad, but I embraced
and thanked every single person who knew them and
mourned/celebrated life…it was those "in my prayers but I
don't know them" fuckers who got me…
You know the ones…they are the worst when it's a big public
death…someone famous, or a missing girl who shows up
dea... More news time more "in our prayers". Now, if you
know the deceased, or hell, know someone who knew the
deceased, you can pray for them to get thru the times, or the
dead to get to heaven, or whatever it is that they praying type
of people do. But, please spare us of your jackassadry ( yes…
its not a word, but yes…these people earn the title) by getting
involved when you have no reason to be, and sounding like a
douch. What are you really accomplishing? Do you really
think the family of the deceased give a damn if you
are "greatly saddened by this tragedy" or if you are getting
them in your damn prayers? Hint: THEY DON'T GIVE A
DAMN! They may say " oh we care" but they don't. My
grandmother, when her husband of 64 years died, had to
deal with these assholes. His death was not a huge shock,
he had alzheimers and so on, but still, these strangers sent
the messages. She mocked them, and as a family we bonded
over these morons. So, thanks morons, you brought a
dysfunctional, up-state ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns
= "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New York,
Italian family together. To mock you. For over an hour. Fell
better about your "thoughts and prayers" that are with us
in "this time of need". As my Grandma said " we are not in
need, he is not in pain, I am not ill, we have cakes and
casseroles, and most importantly, a case of strong good
Ah, funeral food. Turns out that when your father, grandfather
or whoever dies of a heart attack, the best way to help the
family is to send friend chicken, casseroles, and every other
type of fattening food ever known to man kind…if your lucky,
someone else will die at the funeral, and you get that nifty two
for the price of one deal. When John Ridder died, his popular
T.V. show "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter"
responded by having him die in the show. After several
episodes, when the family was eating one of the many
casseroles that people kept bringing ( weeks after the death
mind you), the oldest daughter, "Bridget" proclaimed " why
can't they bring a 'hope your doing ok' salad so we don't gain
ten pounds on top of being sad". But alas, I cant complain on
those people for too long. When I am upset I cook a lot, and
the family should not have to cook, and I have to admit…I
love the food!
Now, Since the invention of the networking cite,, there have been "groups" they are common
interest's, clubs, ext. When someone who is younger ( or
sometimes older) dies, a group will pop up…in
fact, normally many will pop up. Now, this is good for the
people who knew the deceased, as well as tell people when
the services are, and any new updates ( if it was a crime ext)
about the case. What bothers me again, is these fuckers (
they really get under my skin) who join the group " just to say
how sad I am, and that my thoughts and prayers are with
you". Even worse, something I saw today…yes this rant was
inspired, was someone who I know never went to the funeral
of the deceased, but joined the group. Now, I know your
thinking, "well maybe they could not get off work, or lived far
away, or something else"…No, this person was doing nothing
all damn day. They were within 5 minutes of the funeral, and
they just ran errands. Don't join the damn support group if
your not going to be bothered to attend, or if you don't know
them. That's like going to A.A. when you don't drink. Im sure
the alcoholics really like you thinking about them and
praying…Give them a drink or stay the hell away from the
church basement.
Well, I hope I have amused some of you, and that everyone
you care about stays alive. If someone does die…I will make
a yummy casserole. Don't like what I am saying? Don't
agree? Offended?
As always, Don't agree? Don't Read! Fuck off, Ciao Bella!
Italian Pajamas
- feel free to comment, if i dont like what you said...well i wont
6:11 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment
Saturday, April 21, 2007
real or fake
Current mood: aggravated
you want real
real is that we both know how it should be
but are too arrogant to admit it
you want fake
look at your relationships
you want real, look in my eyes
you want fake, look at your dick
thats right
i said it
you sure as hell wont
your scared, a chicken,
nothing more then the people we make fun of
but i do it because its funny
you do it because you need to feel big
and its all part of your game
so come on, proove me wrong
play your game
pull ahead for once
bring it
dont step around
dont pussy foot
sugar coat
run away
change the subject
you want fake,
jump around
you want real
bring it.
10:58 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
Currently listening :
What Are You Waiting For?
By FM Static
Release date: 22 July, 2003
Thursday, March 15, 2007
waitressing, irony, and stop being a dumbass
Black fly in your chardonay.
Rain on your wedding day
Winning the lottery, dying the next day.
Beating the devil, when you stop wanting to
Good Advice you just diddnt take
just a few things.
OK- Onward to workie
So, yesterday i ( and this is a NO SHIT story) i waited on
what we call the worst table ever, you know, runs you crazy
for everything, cannot be please, everything. They tell me i
look like a Juvy Deliquent whos mom makes her work to stay
out of trouble. This is the same table who last time refused to
tip because i may buy drugs. Guys, im a solid 3.9-4.0, poli sci
major who watches CSPAN for fun, has a perfect record, can
pass an STD and Drug test, and is involved in student
Government. I have to say...WHAT THE FUCK. Top that
table off with a tip of: Drum Roll Please.
0. Zero. Cero. Nada.
and you know what, cigs are 5 bucks and a gallon of gas is
2:30. Milk is 4 bucks and dont get me started on taxes. IF
Im ready for vacaction.
Now, For these people who think i dont get it.
And you know who you are. Admit it.
I know how you feel, i Know what your thinking and i know
what you want.
get over yourself and take it.
before you lose it.
Because you will
And thats the ironic thing
The thing you want, waited a long time, and when they
stopped, you started.
They will stop. So stop being a moron.
Or i will shank you
Thats all for now-
For now, Just remember, Im of consenting age, to be
forgetting you _________
20% IS MUCH more tolerable. Can't afford it- DONT EAT
Ladies, if your men dont tip, dont fuck them...make em learn.
11:09 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
whip lash and pain pills
hey all- just wanted to update everyone
I went to the rodeo- clay walker is a sexy bitch.
and on the way back blake ( who was driving) and i got in a
wreck. I have whip lash and i hurt very badly
Anywho- im on some pain pills and those of you who know
me know my drug tolerance is the opposite of alchohol....its
whimpy at best- so im high as a kite- call me and leave me
some love or comment me....hehehe i love you guys!
2:01 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Current mood: angry
First, i hate when someone tears your heart out, when
someone annoys you, and i have to pick up the peices and
get you thru it
I HATE when i share my lovely choco strawberrys just to be
blown off
I HATE when someone thinks they are soooooo important
that everything i say in terms of being annoyed involves themget
over yourself- you are meaningless
and get over thinking i give a shit if you were in someones life
first- i dont care i really dont- im here now and he cares about
i hate when i care for someone so deeply and they have no
i hate when one of my very few friends who actually GETS IT
is getting screwed over and does not get it
i hate those few people i actually want to hang with and they
dont call me...hell i dont make calls i forget- or oh damn i dont
get off work till 10 so now its my fault
I HATE people who think i care about them
and hate even more people i care about not seeing it
i hate dumb people who take advantage of me and think i
wont remember it
i hate dumb people
i hate that i cant find a damn thing on tv and that i cant find
anything to do that will take my mind off how irratated i am.
Satan, and you know who you are- you have been replaced, i
have found the real face of evil...your a damn walk in the park
ya know...i feel better.
thanks blog
And you know what- i dont want any damn comments that
say " oh my god is this me" you know what- read above and
stop thinking this is you you argoant jackass. Either you know
its you or you know its not.
im gonna go jam some wallflowers
1:24 AM - 4 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment
Currently listening :
Bringing Down the Horse
By The Wallflowers
Release date: 21 May, 1996
Monday, February 12, 2007
Isnt this, exactly where you want exactly where you like me you
Category: Blogging
Ah...the Blog.
I love it.
A chance to talk about this and that...what i have been up to.
Classes are going well, very well in fact, i think i may shoot
for a perfect 4.0 this semester...SGA is great- i think i am
finding my place in the new SGA...which is good. Overall i
think i am finding that niche i needed to find to get back in the
groove of things.... not that i was out of it...i just was doing
things that were not as...fulfilling as what i am doing now.
I plan on being upstate by april to visit- so all of you up there
who i wanna see- plan accordingly.
And...damn i had some nice point to throw in...
and its gone. oh well.
Hope everyone else is doing well, and if your not...well i dont
want to listen to your whiny problems so tell someone else
2:13 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment
Saturday, December 30, 2006
with those lips of an angel.
I miss the amazing ignorance i did not realize i had. I lived in a
nice world where what i had was just right. Who i had in my
life was fine, my body shape was great, and my overall
culture involvment was fine. i miss the bliss that living in my
work and school brought me, and i miss not remembering
certain aspects of my life.
i miss my friend
i miss my ignorance.
i have always stated that ignorance is not bliss, but maybe it
is. i would never say i was in fact totally ignorant. The
knowledge was there. i cant avoid the truth
any longer.
I'm writing a book. I know, many of you have listened on end
to these longwinded explanations of the next top seller, but
this one...this one i think gives me the motivation to write. ha.
Well that sounds so emo.
Aight cats heres whats up. Im in North Houston with richard,
and have alot on my mind so i am working on a book that i
was not able to finish many years ago. now i can. If anyone
out there knows whats on my mind, message me. 100 sleep
with ashley points...hell i will even drive/fly to see you and let
you redeem the points ( 100 to fuck me) if you guess.
11:41 PM - 5 Comments - 5 Kudos - Add Comment
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
update. bc i rule.
SOOOO...i am now a margin in error for tx governor election
democrats now have the house...eww
congrats lindsay though
and congrats A&M. SAW EM OFF BITCHES
my birthday was great, friday before the day my parents took
me to olive garden where richard surprised me
sat i worked and got nice tips, sunday richard and i went to
perrys, which was nice and then ihop with daniel jess and
richard to ring in the bday with tutti fruitti and coffee...then a
birthday celebration that does not need to be mentoned here.
monday, my bday, benihanas with jordon, which was all very
very nice and the tuesday: AGGIE BONFIRE!!!
So jess and i arrive at keith and matts apartment, and then go
to chilis...leave and the two of us get caught in the hour and a
half traffic to get to the car park= after that we wait in line, get
on a bus, drive to the fire while sipping on a margarita.
afterwards we go to a party that gets busted up, everyone
gets an MIC, but i blew 0.00 on the breath test so super
duper no ticket- which is super.
weds, im sure i did something worth mentioning...oh yeah
richard came in, which was great just to be with him,
thursday, thanksgiving, found us and jess's for thanksgiving,
then richards grandma mimi for dinner....then back to my
house for a glass of wine and a very nice evening in. friday
he left, i went bowling, came home burned stuff with keith and
alex and jess and momma sheri, sarah showed up around
5am, and we went to bed, i worked saturday which was toooo
busy, and then had jordon come over around 3am bc i was
home alone again and hated that. then sunday went to watch
AAD put on nutcracker- very very well done... although i am
not sure i ever want to watch the finale three times in one day
EVER again. i am sure i will next year though.
spent the night in northhouston, came home for class on
monday. i have finals part of next week, and i hope to go to
college station, so yea!
thats about it.
all of my weeks have been about that hectic, with a few more
sga things thrown in.
PS- if anyone wants to run for VP of SGA, message me.... i
will send an intent to run form your way. thanks. ;-)
i rule.
8:53 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
update. bc i rule.
SOOOO...i am now a margin in error for tx governor election
democrats now have the house...eww
congrats lindsay though
and congrats A&M. SAW EM OFF BITCHES
my birthday was great, friday before the day my parents took
me to olive garden where richard surprised me
sat i worked and got nice tips, sunday richard and i went to
perrys, which was nice and then ihop with daniel jess and
richard to ring in the bday with tutti fruitti and coffee...then a
birthday celebration that does not need to be mentoned here.
monday, my bday, benihanas with jordon, which was all very
very nice and the tuesday: AGGIE BONFIRE!!!
So jess and i arrive at keith and matts apartment, and then go
to chilis...leave and the two of us get caught in the hour and a
half traffic to get to the car park= after that we wait in line, get
on a bus, drive to the fire while sipping on a margarita.
afterwards we go to a party that gets busted up, everyone
gets an MIC, but i blew 0.00 on the breath test so super
duper no ticket- which is super.
weds, im sure i did something worth mentioning...oh yeah
richard came in, which was great just to be with him,
thursday, thanksgiving, found us and jess's for thanksgiving,
then richards grandma mimi for dinner....then back to my
house for a glass of wine and a very nice evening in. friday
he left, i went bowling, came home burned stuff with keith and
alex and jess and momma sheri, sarah showed up around
5am, and we went to bed, i worked saturday which was toooo
busy, and then had jordon come over around 3am bc i was
home alone again and hated that. then sunday went to watch
AAD put on nutcracker- very very well done... although i am
not sure i ever want to watch the finale three times in one day
EVER again. i am sure i will next year though.
spent the night in northhouston, came home for class on
monday. i have finals part of next week, and i hope to go to
college station, so yea!
thats about it.
all of my weeks have been about that hectic, with a few more
sga things thrown in.
PS- if anyone wants to run for VP of SGA, message me.... i
will send an intent to run form your way. thanks. ;-)
i rule.
8:53 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
HCC and Houston Gun club- THANKS and update.
Category: News and Politics
This week so far i have taken a few exams, and spoke at
both HCC and the Houston Gun club. I would like to thank
both for allowing me to speak. Its been a tiresome but
amazing week. It has been a great feeling to know i am
getting out there and helping people remember the
importance of the constitution, giving them more choices, and
maybe even teaching politicians the importance of being
HONEST about your beliefs. So, thank you everyone, and
please continue to get the word out!!
Ashley Todd
Write- In Candidate for:
Texas State Governor
Political Beliefs:
We as Citizens should not be forced to elect an
official for office based on the agenda THEY have.
We should not vote based on who agrees with us
most, but rather who will do as we say: Governor is
a job, given to a person by the people, to work for
the people to achieve what the people want. This is
what I wish to do, bring this state back to what it is
meant for: serving the people.
Personal Beliefs:
I, at the root of everything believe in upholding the
constitution. With that, I tend to lean Conservatively,
believing that the Government should remain small
and unobtrusive. I am fiscally conservative. Some
call me socially liberal because I believe in the
government not invading privacy; personally I call
this avoiding communism and dictatorship.
(Please note this is NOT my agenda- YOUR agenda is my
At any point in this campaign I urge
anyone to ask questions. Unlike older
more experienced politicians, I will give
my answer, and what I believe in,
clearly and concisely despite the fear of
some not agreeing with me.
9:26 PM - 1 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
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1 comment:
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